Flash Fiction: for writers, readers, editors, publishers, & fans


Friday Flash Prompt: And It Shall End with Guacamole

Word Limit: 500 Words

Title: Must be "Back in the Argument"

Must use these five words: aberrant, bungalow, empress, gallivant, halcyon

Must end with this word: guacamole.

Have at it.

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Thanks! That would be awe­some! I’ve been writ­ing sto­ries for a cou­ple years but I have no idea how to go about send­ing them out or where to send them. Any resources you could give me would be great­ly appre­ci­at­ed! Oh, and I’m not sure how to delete my com­ment either. 

From Randall Brown

Duotrope.com is a great way to begin. Choose “flash fic­tion” as the length. I also choose “lit­er­ary” as the style for my own writ­ing.

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