
This evocative photograph by Alessandra Sanguinetti was on the cover of Cabinet some months back.
My prompt is ekphrastic: Write a response in 300 words or less (in any POV you’d like) to this image. What’s happening in the world of this photograph?
(I’d advise against Googling—you might find out too much!)
From Walter Rhein
December 10, 2010 at 9:26 am
Far out in the black, heathen mists, of the uncharted planes of nowhere, the terrified mother grasped the trembling stick figure of her brood and held his shivvering body close. Oblivion was upon them, it’s ragged teeth rending the horizon like some unquenchable mythical beast. The blackness of its maw stood aloft like a peek-hole into oblivion.
There was only one chance…
Grasping her fledgling offspring, she held him close. In a few peaceful moments, she would absorb him back into her flesh. His body would become her body once again. His being would be recombined with hers. Then the oncoming hydra could deal with her as it wished. She would accept it, knowing that her child was held forever in the warmth of her final embrace.
From joanna leigh simon
December 10, 2010 at 12:39 pm
My stomach is like an inner tube, bloating under my bathing suit, and when I think about slicing through it and cutting it off, I wonder if I’ll still float?
From Alina L.
December 10, 2010 at 1:58 pm
JLS, I dig this. When I look at this, the weather’s secondary to the girls.
From Rich Grohowski
December 10, 2010 at 4:48 pm
I agree with Alina L. This piece transcends the prompt in the way it shows us the girl’s inner landscape.
From karen
December 17, 2010 at 5:52 pm
The storm cannot be avoided
And beyond it warm and peaceful days
Also cannot be avoided
Your frail body will hold up to them both
You will grow roots and a fat trunk
From the wear of the wind
And the beating rain
And the ravenous sunshine
And you will stand here
One day
With your daughter and whish for her only sunshine
But you will bear her what she needs
For the storms
That cannot be avoided