Flash Fiction: for writers, readers, editors, publishers, & fans


Carol Guess: Inventing My Brother

Car­ol Guess explores ques­tions about rep­re­sent­ing “real” peo­ple in fic­tion and pro­vides an exer­cise to invent a “lie life.”


Thursday Flash Craft: Minor Talks Titles

The begin­ning of and then link to Kyle Minor’s “Where I Get the Titles for My Sto­ries and Essays.” 


Monday Flash: Get In On the Field Guide Group Read

A link to a group read of The Rose Met­al Press Field Guide to Writ­ing Flash Fic­tion: Tips from Edi­tors, Teach­ers, and Writ­ers in the Field.


Wednesday Therapy: Write the “Figuring Out” Flash

In an essay on short sto­ry struc­ture, Dou­glas Glover writes, “Lit­er­a­ture is a way of think­ing in which you think by push­ing your char­ac­ters through a set of actions (test­ing that char­ac­ter in a series of scenes which involve the same con­flict).” This sin­gle sen­tence (very much) changed the way I approached writ­ing flash.