Flash Fiction: for writers, readers, editors, publishers, & fans


Sunday Focus: I Spent a Little Time on the Mountain

Pho­to by Meg Boscov

[Editor’s Note: This ongo­ing Sun­day fea­ture pairs pho­tographs from Meg Boscov with a thought (or two) from the man­ag­ing edi­tor about focus­ing on tiny things to find some­thing sig­nif­i­cant. Click on the pic­ture itself to view at full size.]



Moun­tains, the dream read­ers tell us, rep­re­sent obsta­cles to be over­come, a chal­lenge that’s been con­quered. But I think that’s an easy fit, an analy­sis that focus­es on the con­quer­ing rather than becom­ing, on bat­tling nature rather than becom­ing one with it.

For nature, as we know, is at once with­out and with­in us,” Joseph Camp­bell writes. “Art is the mir­ror at the inter­face. So too is rit­u­al; so also myth. These, too, bring out the grand lines of nature, and in doing so, re-estab­lish us in our own deep truth, which is one with that of all being.” One love. One heart. Let’s get togeth­er and feel alright. Rather than see­ing “nature” as some­thing to be over­come or con­quered, see it as some­thing to become part of. That is what this Sun­day Focus wants of you.

Meg Boscov is a pho­tog­ra­ph­er who lives and works out­side of Philadel­phia where she con­tin­ues to pur­sue her careers in ani­mal-assist­ed edu­ca­tion and dog train­ing. She can be reached on insta­gram at meg­boscov.

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