Flash Fiction: for writers, readers, editors, publishers, & fans


Compression: Tania Hershman

Com­pressed flash fiction/poetry def­i­n­i­tion.


Painting Soup Cans: Using Defamiliarization to Add Interest to Flash Fiction

As writ­ers of flash, we’ve got at the very most 1,000 words to cap­ti­vate the read­er and leave a last­ing impres­sion.  In this short space, we need to cre­ate com­pelling char­ac­ters, set­tings, and plot. One tech­nique I think is help­ful in accom­plish­ing this while keep­ing com­pres­sion in mind is defa­mil­iar­iza­tion.  Defa­mil­iar­iza­tion is tak­ing some­thing that is famil­iar and pre­sent­ing it in […]