Flash Fiction: for writers, readers, editors, publishers, & fans


America Revisited

Ginsberg’s “Amer­i­ca” from 1956, updat­ed.


Transcript from President Trump’s Rorschach Test Released

Ran­dall Brown Mr. Pres­i­dent, dur­ing the test you will be shown a series of inkblot images. Look at each inkblot for a moment and then tell me what you per­ceive. [Shows the pres­i­dent first image.] What I don’t see is col­lu­sion. Every­one says that. There is no col­lu­sion. Look­ing, look­ing, and there’s no col­lu­sion between Trump and […]


No Word Flash #2

The Trumps’ Genius 


Wednesday Flash Song: Pretty Good Looking

The Wednes­day Flash Song fea­tures songs under three min­utes. Here is The Whites Stripes with “You’re Pret­ty Good Look­ing (For a Girl).” Oh yeah you’re pret­ty good look­ing for a girl but your back is so bro­ken and this feeling’s still gonna linger on until the year 2525 now


Monday No-Word Flash #1

The After­life