Stefanie Freele explores the layers of “modern endings” in contemporary writing & raises the idea that perhaps short story endings are muted. Part 1 of 3.
Stefanie Freele explores the layers of “modern endings” in contemporary writing & raises the idea that perhaps short story endings are muted. Part 1 of 3.
Flash fiction writer Jordan Blum provides commentary on Michelle Reale’s flash fiction piece “What Passes For Normal” from SmokeLong Quarterly.
Carol Guess explores questions about representing “real” people in fiction and provides an exercise to invent a “lie life.”
The beginning of and then link to Kyle Minor’s “Where I Get the Titles for My Stories and Essays.”
A signed copy of a Mary Gaitskill novel reveals some interesting advice to a young writer.
A review with reprints and commentary of Pamela Painter’s collection of very short stories WOULDN’T YOU LIKE TO KNOW.
A link to a group read of The Rose Metal Press Field Guide to Writing Flash Fiction: Tips from Editors, Teachers, and Writers in the Field.
In an essay on short story structure, Douglas Glover writes, “Literature is a way of thinking in which you think by pushing your characters through a set of actions (testing that character in a series of scenes which involve the same conflict).” This single sentence (very much) changed the way I approached writing flash.
A reprint of Eric Bosse’s “Onion Ring” from SNOW MONKEY.
A flash prompt from Carol Guess: contain all this bustling history in a 100-word flash!